Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the town hall and town shop located?

The town hall and town shop are located on 12915 West Hillcrest Road, just north of Hwy B.

When are town meetings held?

Town Board meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the town hall at 12915 W. Hillcrest Road, unless posted otherwise.

How do I sign up for Snow Removal for my driveway?

Visit the Forms & Permits page, which has a Snow Removal Contract that you can download, with instructions and fees.

Where is the Recycling Center?

The recycling center is located at 12915 West Hillcrest Road, just north of Hwy B. It is open Saturdays from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm unless otherwise posted. 

When is the Recycling Center open?

The recycling center is open Saturdays from 10 am to 4 pm, unless otherwise posted. There is no charge for recycling. There is a $3.00 charge per garbage bag.  These bags are used for items not able to be recycled. NO ANIMAL CARCASSES can be put in the garbage dumpsters. For more information, visit the Recycling Center page.

Other items that can be dropped off for a fee are posted inside the Recycling Center.  ALL appliances must be cleaned out before being dropped off!

Do I need a Burning Permit?

Yes, since the Town of Garfield is in the DNR intensive fire protection area, burning permits are required for both burning barrels and piles on the ground. Always call the DNR Burning Hotline - 888-947-2876 to determine burning conditions EVERY TIME!

Burning Permits can be acquired through the DNR Burning Hotline or in person at the Recycling Center on Saturdays.

Where can I get a Burning Permit?

Burning permits are available from the DNR in Augusta, Trails’ End on Hwy 10, Alice Glavin or Michel Berner. They are also available during recycling hours.

What can I burn with a Burning Permit?

Information on burning times, materials that may be burned, and other regulations are available with permits. There is no charge for burning permits.

Do I have to have an E911 address sign if I own property in the Town of Garfield?

Yes, a Jackson County Ordinance states all town property owners must own and display an E911 address sign.

The application sent to Jackson County can be downloaded on the Forms & Permits page.